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Flares Shouldn’T Be Inhaled: Pregnancy And Policing

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How does this compare to the smoke from flares used during traffic enforcement, this is the case right?

By 24 weeks, the ear is structurally complete. By 16 gestation weeks, a fetus responds to sound. It’s a well more studies are crucial in case you want to determine the effects of this and similar chemicals officers are regularly exposed to. Noise exposure to a fetus is a matter of serious concern. So here’s a question. What are the consequences of breathing in those fumes? Anyway, flares shouldn’t be inhaled, and the boxes are labeled with warnings about how long a person can be exposed to them while they are burning. Amount of sound blocked by ear protection while firing a gun is significantly higher than the percentage of sound blocked going into the womb.

There’re the unexpected risks involved with firearms during pregnancy. Other risks involved with being around firearms include noise and exposure to lead and similar chemicals involved in cleaning a gun. There’s always the obvious risk of being shot. Must a female officer qualify with her weapon during pregnancy, am I correct? While wearing a mask rated for filtering lead, and avoiding other shooters to limit lead exposure, while it’s a risk each pregnant woman needs to be aware of, just like qualifying at an outdoor range where ventilation is good. Exposure to lead is another serious issue during pregnancy. It is it’s generally considered safe if reasonable precautions are taken.

Surely the sound of gunfire reaches a fetus in the womb, a couple of studies testing the levels of sound reaching the womb vary conforming to where and how the microphones are placed.

While hearing loss in the baby, and decreased birth weight, the dangers of exposing a fetus to a loud noise while in the womb include miscarriage. Basically, stress is a concern during any pregnancy but even more so for female officers who often feel the need to hide their pregnancies as long as possible to avoid being put behind a desk or risk losing their job. Of course, it also affects the fetus, while stress can lead to many conditions in the mother. While leading to high blood pressure, fatigue, or pre eclampsia, the chemicals released by the mother during stress can affect the fetus and the overall health of the pregnancy.

Most officers never know the difficulty the brass has to deal with in this situation. Wake up. It’s a no win issue. Admin is if the officer is allowed to remain on patrol as long as possible. Roger’s enhancement techniques are now recognized worldwide and have changed law enforcement’s approach to the utilization of facial recognition technology. Dozens of the guys think admin now is if the officer is moved to a totally new assignment. With a decent mother and employee at identical time as the child grows.

Some symptoms of stress include insomnia, headaches, chest pain, upset stomach, depression, over eating, anxiety, under/over reacting, and drug or alcohol use to unwind. Essentially, other symptoms that can be brought on or exacerbated by stress in pregnant women are the problems of loss of agility and balance problems. Lots of male officers believe a pregnant officer or mother can’t do her job properly being that she has to take time to care for her children and must look for a completely different job type. At times, with that said, this seems like an impossible task.

a couple of police departments have a policy in place to accommodate pregnant officers who often must present proof to the employer in the type of a letter from the officer’s physician. Researching pregnancy and female police officers can raise new questions. Because what affects a pregnant officer ultimately affects everyone, for problems involving stress. Or firearms and chemical exposures, women need to speak up. Officer may temporarily transfer to a less dangerous position in the course of the pregnancy and for a couple of months after the birth while nursing. With that said, it’s if the transfer can be reasonably accommodated. Now, a policy needs to be put in place, even if the problems surrounding a pregnancy aren’t discriminatory.

Matthewcheck out this article. I’m waiting until I start showing and the duty belt doesn’t fit anymore, Myself, I don’t need to get stuck behind a desk. Luckily, my agency is more than willing to put pregnant women on modified duty at any time. Some have gone on light duty at 6 weeks pregnant.

My fiance is pregnant and she is a police officer for Jackson.

She has turned in a letter from the doctor saying that she is capable of working but not on the streets. Usually, they put a memo out that for the most part there’s no more modified duty unless you get hurt on the job. Is that legal, right? As a result, is that discrimination and if And so it’s what should we do, right? Yes, that’s right! Aside from discrimination and lawsuits, look, there’re some legitimate health problems surrounding pregnancy for an officer, including ‘healthrelated’ problems involving stress, firearms, and toxic chemical exposure. Firearms problems involve noise, lead, and ‘toxic substance’ exposure from weapon cleaning. Normally, they sent her home and told her to wait for an answer. On top of that, they told her that she isn’t planning to get modified duty and come pick up the family medical leave package and fill it out and turn it back in.

It’s vital to wash your hands with cold water after handling firearms or ammunition, to further limit lead exposure. So do not eat or drink at the range, and change your clothes immediately after qualifying or practicing. Accordingly the case was settled in the late summer of 2010 for and

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